The holiday season is officially in full effect and this can bring a lot of stress!
Stress from holiday shopping, preparing for family gatherings, celebrations of all kinds, holiday events, balancing work with family time, and of course the holiday clean up once everything is said and done. While we all tend to look at this time of year as a fun and joyous one, sometimes that is not always the case.
Year after year I usually just go with the flow of the holiday madness. Sometimes this includes shopping late, preparing for events last minute, not being prepared for family until the day of, and failing to take the necessary time off from work so that I am able to spend quality time with my family.
After years of taking on the stress and simply going with the flow, this year I vowed to do things differently. Instead of going with the flow, I made a plan. Instead of taking on the stress, I managed my expectations. I did this to help myself get through the holiday season with as little stress as possible. The best part about it, is that I’ve been implementing these simple tips into my daily life for months now, and I can honestly say I’ve noticed nothing but positive results.
These tips will not only help you get through the holiday season, but will also help you manage your stress all year round! Let’s get into it!
Managing Holiday Stress
First, I want to acknowledge that experiencing stress during the holidays is normal. It’s a heightened time of year, everyone is excited for one reason or another, and it’s the closing of the current year as you mentally, emotionally, and physically prepare for the welcoming of a new one. That’s a lot to take on and manage to the best of your ability for two whole solid months!
If you’re someone who often experiences an increase in stress during this time of year, don’t worry, you are not alone. That much I know for sure!
So how do we manage holiday stress without pulling all our hair out before the new year begins? Well, I may not have all the answers, but I’ve got a few tips that may help.
Tip #1 – Set Boundaries
Look I get it, boundaries are one of those things that are completely awkward to talk about and even more uncomfortable putting in place. Nobody likes to have a boundary placed on them no matter what the circumstances may be. However, this may be the one thing that can save you from experiencing a lot of headaches this holiday season. Boundaries are a great way to communicate your expectations not only of yourself, but everyone else.
What do boundaries look like? They look different for everyone, but essentially, they draw a very clear line for what you are and are not willing to tolerate. This is all in support of your emotional and mental health. Boundaries can be something as simple as having a specific time for when everyone needs to be out of your home after family dinner, or intentionally choosing not to invite certain people to the family gathering.
Boundaries are a beautiful blessing in disguise that can not only teach you a lot about yourself, but also improve the overall quality of relationships you have with others. It will definitely come in hand during the holidays to help you handle any stress you may experience, and it’s a great time to start putting them in place if they do not already exist.
Tips #2 – Plan Ahead
This is something that I wish I was doing before it even became a brilliant idea for me (yes that’s sarcasm). Admittedly I’m the type of person who usually just goes with the flow of things, but I’ve come to learn that, that’s not the best way to show up during the holidays. Doing so leaves a lot of room for unpredictable things to unfold, last minute planning/shopping, and constantly feeling unprepared.
This is all a feeding ground for stress!
Beat the holiday stress by taking charge, being mindful, and planning ahead. Especially if you are hosting for a holiday gathering! Make sure you are aware of everyone who will be in attendance, their length of stay and where they will be staying, what events will be taking place if any, who will be cooking and what they will be cooking, and whatever else your holiday celebrations include.
The bottom line is to be as prepared as possible in advance! This is also a great tip even if you are not hosting, but simply showing up as a guest. Make sure you understand your role and responsibilities for the holiday season, and everybody understands theirs. They say a little bit goes a long way, so does planning ahead. The more prepared you are in advance, the more enjoyable of an experience it will be for you and all in attendance.
Tips #3 – Have Fun
Lastly, do your best to stay in good spirits! I know this can be extremely hard when you are experiencing a lot of stress, but if you put into action the other tips mentioned above, this tip becomes a lot easier to execute. The holidays are meant to be a time of celebration, creating happy memories, surrounding yourself with joy and love, and above all else reflecting on the year that is soon to be leaving.
It’s kind of hard to accomplish all of that if your stress levels are through the roof. So, if there is anything you take away from this post let it be to have fun. Don’t take the holiday season too seriously. Don’t get caught up in the rush of it all, don’t let work overwhelm you, don’t hold yourself back from participating in activities you want to take part in. Don’t let yourself miss out on a wonderful experience because you’re allowing your stress to take over.
Instead, take a beat, take a breather, and remember what the spirit of the holidays are all about. The holiday season is meant to bring family and friends closer together, not override that joy with stress. If you find yourself experiencing more stress than joy then you need to take a break. Take a step back and evaluate why this is the case. What seems to be out of alignment with your overall vision that is making this time of year hard to enjoy?
Is it work? Is it hosting a holiday? Is it lack of time? Is it your inability to commit to 10 different responsibilities? Is it the holiday season in general?
Identify what may be a potential cause of your stress, and work on managing it so that it is not overwhelming you the entire holiday season. Have fun with your family and friends, and be present for everything you take part in. The only way you can truly do that is by preparing yourself mentally and emotionally before the big day, or important events, happen.
Set boundaries so that communication of your expectations are clear across the board. Plan ahead so that you can spend more time being present with family and friends. Have fun so that you can create happy, meaningful memories that will last a lifetime.
Yes, the holiday season can be stressful, but they don’t have to be. Remember, you are in control of the trajectory of your life. Especially during the holiday season where a lifetime of memories are sure to be made. Don’t forget to take these tips with you in the new year! I promise your life will transform tremendously 😊.
Until next time loves, happy holidays!
Love and Light,